Our ESG cloud suite is coming soon... After completing the Private Beta rollout, we are now getting things ready for the public launch starting Q3 2022

ESG SME Rating

The only sustainability algorithm designed based on European and Italian regulations, in line with the main international standards, tailored for small and medium-sized companies and validated by a decentralized scientific committee. We offer you the work of hundreds of consultants in a single digital measurement and improvement solution.

How sustainable is your company from 0 to 100?
Discover it in less than 2 hours, measure your company for free!

Some competitive advantages of sustainability

Enter new supply chains
Boost in procurement tenders
Reduce costs
Avoid sanctions
Increase revenue
Reduce CO2 emissions
Work with better partners
Generate positive social impact
Attract new investors
Accedi a migliori finanziamenti
Reduce reputational risks
Happier employees
Increase your sales
Improve the reputation of your brand
Meet EU 2030 regulations ahead of time
Scopri come la sostenibilità aiuta la tua azienda a crescere. Register

1. Measure

Thanks to a totally guided path, you can calculate the environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of your business through 11 impact modules and over 70 sustainability issues.
The algorithm supports all existing industrial branches and instantly detects the critical issues of your company.
Thanks to open standard, our dynamic rating is always up to date.
ESG SME Rating Ecomate - Improve

2. Improve

Check your alignment with over 250 regulations, certifications and standards, becoming aware of your level of risk through our performance indicators. Compare your results with your competitors using benchmarks of reference for your industrial branch and company size. Take decisions and act promptly thanks to our feedbacks: the algorithm generates a personalised report with suggestions and practical actions to be put in place to get immediate benefits.
Our algorithm accompanies SMEs along a process of economic and competitive growth, by reducing at the same time environmental impacts and generating a positive social impact.

Assessment process

The strength of 1.000 consultants in one digital audit tool

1. INPUT collection

By entering your VAT number, we connect to official databases and immediately identify the company. We arrange, therefore, the calculation matrices and

A simple, intuitive and guided digital audit

the system assesses the company by dynamically combining

  • 11 different (ESG) sustainability modules
  • Europa 2030/2050 Framework compliant
  • EU Taxonomy ready
  • 11 single-scoring modules
  • 70+ thematic areas of sustainability
  • 300+ tracked compliance items
  • 180+ educational insights
For more information on the methodological approach, visit the page ESG open-standard
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Waste
  • Mobility
  • Professional ethics
  • Social responsability
  • Health and safety
  • Transparency
  • Economy
  • Innovation
  • Products

2. OUTPUT release

Through a complete control panel, the company has effective and simple tools keeping track of its progress, comparing its performance with other companies and monitoring the health of its business.

Overall indexes:
  • rating on a scale from 0 to 100
  • Rating divided into the 3 E.S.G. pillars
  • rating on each single module (11 modules)
  • comparison with other companies (sector and class)

Compliance indexes:
  • Analysis of the frameworks in detail
  • Levels of compatibility with certifications

Cross-category KPIs with benchmarks:
  • Stakeholders engagement
  • Digital transformation
  • Waste emission
  • Resilience
  • Circular economy
  • CO2 emissions
  • Electricity consumption

Report and mini-DNF

Each time an impact module is completed, the algorithm instantly generates a customised

It is listed the

The report of each module also includes

The company will recevie

  • Business vulnerability
  • Protection from the risk of sanctions
  • Educazione on the EU Framework
  • Education on the sustainable development of the company
  • Information on Italian and European regulations
  • Potential cost saving
  • Impact on the environment
  • Impact on the society


drawing up a mini sustainability report (DNF)

EU Taxonomy Compliance

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  • empty label
  • empty label
  • empty label
  • empty label
  • KPI of Prevention and Reduction of Pollution
  • empty label
  • empty label
  • Percentage of alignment to the Taxonomy Minimum Safeguards
  • Capital Expenditure and Operation Expenditure (CapEx and OpEx)

EU SFDR Compliance

Publishing and issuing

Il prezzo del servizio di validazione seguito da un nostro analista ha il costo di € 449,00

AAA 80-100
AA 65-79
A 55-64
BBB 45-54
BB 35-44
B 25-34
CCC 15-24
CC 6-14
C 0-5
E 00

Outlook table

Positive + Indicates that the rating could be upgraded in the near to medium term.
Stable Indicates a low likelihood of rating change in the near to medium term.
Negative - Indicates that the rating could be downgraded in the near to medium term.
Not verified Indicates that the company has not been evaluated yet.

empty label

empty label

empty label empty label empty label
empty label
Don't always wait until the last minute to get your company in order... Get on board now

How we differ from other solutions

Subscription flexibility in the world's first algorithm designed for small and medium-sized enterprises

Ecomate Other Solutions
Annual cost 4 weighted variables Same for every company
Company size Tailor-made for SMEs None
Reference standard United Kingdom / Europe Generic/International
EU Taxonomy compliant Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Dashboard detail >200 KPI <100 KPI
Rating ESG Yes No
Double materiality Yes No
Real-time improvement report Yes No
Educational content for SMEs Yes No
Multiple compliance Yes, with open-standard Yes
Technology Al, crowd, open-data Consulting approach
Fraud detection Yes No
API availability Yes No
Export/resell customers data outside of the EU No Yes
Rating model Dynamic Static



In line with our values, we have decided to publish our technical-scientific platform architecture, regarding the rating process.
Experts can contribute to the ongoing and continuous development in order to contribute and improve the current model.
We put transparency first while speaking to our customers.

Open standard ESG

Dynamic rating model

Our calculation system is based on a dynamic algorithm that provides companies with constantly updated information that refers to developments in scientific research or national and European legislation. In fact, our scientific committee is constantly integrating new regulations, directives, sustainable practices, and more. When new developments are introduced, companies can supplement with new findings and keep their status updated.
Our scoring model and policy allow the technical-scientific panel to fast and continuous improvement, aiming at the highest data refresh rate.

We are disclosing all the conditions and events for which the system prompts an update.

Fraud detection AI

Risk algorithm with multi-level fraud detection system to intercept unusual paths during qualitative and quantitative data input from self-assessment products.
On top of this we cross-check everything with data coming from the government company register and some open-data.
As our database gets filled with users, we'll be combining and adding a machine learning.

Documentation and methodology

Read methodological notes
English and cloud only

How does scientific evaluation work? Discover the open-standard ESG

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