Our ESG cloud suite is coming soon... After completing the Private Beta rollout, we are now getting things ready for the public launch starting Q3 2022

The ESG platform for any company

… for every company

The first ever ESG software suite that includes all must-have products to integrate sustainability in your company. Our algorithms guide you with an easy language, instant timing and a competitive cost.

Ecomate's manifesto

"If you can measure it, you can improve it" – William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)

Some distributor partners who have chosen to adopt our OPEN-STANDARD...

Unioncamere Veneto
Ecole - Enti Confindustriali Lombardi Education
Quantyx Advisors
Arwin and Partners
Unioncamere Emilia Romagna
Fast Associazioni
VVA Valdani e Vicari
Confindustria Lombardia
Unioncamere Puglia
Gruppo Maggioli
Sardegna Ricerche
Liguria Ricerche
Gruppo NSA
Innova Finance
Camera di Commercio Torino
Camera di Commercio Foggia
Unioncamere Piemonte
Unioncamere Calabria
Centro Servizi Cagliari Oristano

...together with many brands and thousands of micro, small and medium companies.

Ford Authos SPA Simone Gatto Scma SPA Eap Italia Orion Group Enav Huawei Cottonella Dovalue Traforo del Monte Bianco Fratelli Campagnolo CMP Scania Pupa Odos Group Photosi Roncadin Ortoromi OMR Automotive Luigi Zaini Alfrus Assograph Cavagna Group Salumi Bortolotti Codess Sociale Polini Group Delphina Resorts Molino Piantoni Salar Tesi Group Alfrus Assograph Gruppo Illiria Farine Perteghella Blu Basket 1971 Policlinico Triestino Cittadini Dell'ordine Vivir DC Coveme Unical Site

Alcune delle numerosi ragioni per scegliere Ecomate...

B2B SaaS platform

Software in cloud disegnato appositamente per guardare al futuro ed essere flessibile e scalabile. Questo posizionamento ci permette di mantenere i costi all'utente finale più bassi del mercato.

European benchmarks

Fatto da Europei per imprese Europee: focus su frameworks legislativi Europei e prestazioni comparabili all'interno di un cluster EU27. Questo rende i punteggi più precisi rispetto alla concorrenza.

ESG open standard

Nessuna multinazionale o istituzione detiene lo standard di valutazione e/o i modelli di rating: essi rimangono aperti ai miglioramenti suggeriti da comitati scientifici esterni e decentralizzati.


Controllo sulla tua Privacy

Decidi tu con chi condividere i dati all'interno dell'ecosistema. In qualsiasi caso non verranno mai trasferiti al di fuori dell'Europa: le aziende Extra-Comunitarie non accedono alla nostra piattaforma.

Compliant : EU Agenda 2030-2050 / EU Taxonomy / EU SFDR / EU ESRS / EU CSRD / EU CSDDD

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ESG Suite - Ecomate

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Plug-and-Play products

Company sustainability with one click

Ecomate's ESG SME Rating

ESG Rating

Sustainability rating for small and medium-sized companies: see in less than 2 hours how sustainable your company is from 0 to 100, get a report and improve.

Start your journey
Ecomate's ESG Monitor

ESG Monitor

Read, analyse and monitor the performance of companies in real-time. Import your suppliers, portfolio or clients list by setting new benchmarks and inclusion/exclusion standards.

See how it works

Advanced products

To always maintain a competitive advantage

I prodotti contenuti nella nostra suite posso essere combinati in modo da potere anche gestire alti livelli di complessità progettuale e soluzioni dedicate a qualsiasi industry.

Ideal for distributors and ESG experts

SThe flexibility of our platform allows you to create added-value services for your clients and/or actively participate in the evolution of the ESG standard joining our community and network.
Ecomate distributors

Become a partner

Get in direct contact with experts or consulting companies at competitive costs.

Reseller area
ESG Marketplace Ecomate - Are you an ESG expert?

Are you an ESG expert?

Indipendent professional or consulting company, join the scientific committee, find new clients and participate in ESG projects.

See all the advantages

Help us to change the world

For every small and medium-sized company that registers on our platform, the planet and society improve



Environmental impact


Socio-economic impact

Do you work in an SME? Are you a consumer? Invite a company to be more transparent and sustainable. If you wish, your invitation will be anonymous.