En consonancia con las intenciones establecidas en nuestro
Tutto il processo non solo ha una architettura trasparente, ma è governato e validato da un comitato tecnico-scientifico decentralizzato operante sotto una licenza di tipo open-science.
Our open ESG standard is primarily intended to be aligned with the regulations of the European Commission, embracing not only what is in force today, but what will be implemented tomorrow that is being addressed by the various European agencies responsible for tackling some of the most important issues and proposing guidelines that will then be turned into regulations.
Below we list some of the sources and standards that we and our scientific committee have consulted to create the products within our platform.
Sebbene prediligiamo l'utilizzo di standard ed open-data che siano di libero utilizzo, vogliamo comunque offrire ai nostri distributori e clienti finali degli strumenti utili ai fini della rendicontazione non-finanziaria e cogliere anche l'occasione per sottoporci a processi di due-diligence da parte di organizzazioni non direttamente coinvolte nel nostro ecosistema al fine di validare maggiormente il processo e l'architettura del nostro modello di rating.
Type: SASB Inside level III License
Date: 2025 - Verification link
The license is allowing us to integrate over 70 different industry fields specifications in our assessment while adding more depth to our materiality map and empowering the end-users with the possibility of reporting according to the offical SASB certified sustainability standards.
Type: GRI Certification
Date: 2025 - Verification link
By obtaining this software certification, we will not only be able to integrate the official GRI sustainability guidelines and reporting framework for expanding our impact analysis further, but we will be allowing our users to file an internationally recognized non-financial disclosure.
The content powered by the technical-scientific committee has been released using a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License which guarantees that anyone joining this community will have the freedom of re-using the content (even for commercial purposes) as long as they use it under the same license.
Who's managing our open-standard?Go to scientific committee
Read methodological notes