empty label
A small scale of the business model and an XLS version is tested on over 50 SMEs during the business plan and market validation phase with the support of Telecom Italia business incubator.
With the help of Ambiente Italia and EU Climate Launchpad, a minimum viable product and a concept-platform is developed for demo purpose to generate initial traction and incorporate the company.
Having received a pre-seed investment from business angels, we have continued the research and development while running commercial trials with the first corporate company and over 200 SMEs.
- SaaS platform architecture design
- Business-register data provider integration
- Open-ESG assessment model first dry runs
- Added NACE and Company Class rating model variables
- EU Compliance engine with over 100 frameworks mapped
- Modular rating and management of basic module-lock logic
- Benchmark engine with competitors-cluster reference history tracking
- Cross module KPI aggregation engine
- Aggregated analytics engine for risk monitoring
- System ready for intermediaries and volume distribution
- GAP analysis automated reporting
This phase has been mainly characterized by finalizing the company business model, defining the policy and engaging around 20 open-esg scientific committee partners. This has led to extensive market testing on over 500 SMEs and an adjustment of the whole platform.
- EU Taxonomy engine / compliance (E) for 80 industries and 4 KPIs
- Obtainment of SASB license (level III integration)
- Added materiality matrix for cross-module logic in rating engine
- Fraud detection algorithm level 1
- Improvement report with double materiality logic
- Open ESG infrastructure improvement
- Compliance engine with over 200 frameworks mapped
- Observatory and rating grade-model improvement
- Rating As A Service (RaaS) live and running on several projects
- Stripe payment integration for end-user access
- Open ESG engine with EU27 scalable architecture
- Backend system to handle all user levels and manage data-science integration
With a simple "word of mouth" approach to the market, we have started to open the doors to different types of customers, not only aiming at generating recurring revenues based on our subscription strategy, but also acquiring more in-depth understanding of diverse use cases and on-field applications.
- Improved compliance classification engine with reporting requirements
- Light white-label option for intermediaries
- Corporate / SME class rebalancing of the solicited rating product
- Double materiality engine improvement, mapping and visual graph
- Improvements over documents/help/internal notes engine for end-users
- Improvements over class/industry/territory specific and dynamic rules
- Proxy risk engine integration for unsolicited scoring
- Added frameworks: 4P-WEF, PRI, SUB-SDGs and updated EU Agenda 2030
- Obtainment of GRI license and updated 2021 standards
- Migration to fully integrated CD/CI software
- Update to a re-engineered cloud infrastructure
- Multiple account management in platform and invitation system
At this stage, having reached a unique ICT-ESG know-how and approach we know how to deliver the top notch product-market-fit setting the ambitious goal of delivering an end-to-end suite. The platform has over a thousand companies registered while being used by almost a hundred companies every day.
- Algorithm improvement with dynamic class and industry weighting system
- Over 150 new industry related KPIs in ESG Rating product
- Reporting (Non financial disclosure) Beta product release
- Unsolicited Risk Score product Alpha release
- Refactoring, restyling and UI/UX further improvements
- ESRS (EFRAG) comptatibility in assessment and reporting products
- Several features for end-to-end delivery (intermediaries)
- Compatibility with SFDR Annex I KPIs and PDF reporting
- Retroactivity engine (handling past self-declarations)
- Data export and conversion engine with new supported formats
While the goal of stabilizing the products has been reached, we are working on product upgrades to complete the suite. By the end of the year the platform has almost several thousand companies registered and is being used by over hundred companies every day.
- New API engine with new delivery options
- KYB for pre-rating (express-assessment) product release
- Unsolicited risk engine improvement
- GAP analysis engine improvement
- Observatory for ESG sovereign country risk score
- New EU Taxonomy KPIs
- Increased NACE depth (>70 industries)
- Dedicated audit/repository section in platform for intermediaries
- Beta release of ESG Reporting
With this new milestone we are consolidating products while working on scalability solutions.
- Verification and analyst procedures for Rating issuance
- Value chain mapping and import for easing batch work
- Final release of ESG Reporting
- Improvements on aggregated analytics in ESG Monitoring product
- Fraud risk detection level 2 on solicited ratings
- New monitoring/management features on ESG analytics
- Improved communication protocols for decentralized scientific-committee
- Opening of new supported regions/languages
The use of AI and blockchain will help overcome the limitation of the traditional ESG approach, fully shifting us towards new types of system integrations, distribution networks and tuning the products for ESG business intelligence solutions.
- PaaS (Platform As A Service) product
- Impact (carbon and social projects) calculator product
- Fraud detection level 3 (triple cross-logic and dynamic external checks)
- Correlation algorithm level 1
- Blockchain integration (DeSCi, ReFi, DeFi and DAO options)
- Machine learning for Business Intelligence (BI)
- Triple materiality logic
- AI for robo-advisory to guide better customer experience/support
- Forecasting ESG engine with ML / deep learning
- ESG performance simulation analytics environment
- GPT-LLM large language model for improvement reports
- Fraud detection improvement with AI-Analyst
- Strategy/tactical AI to create revenues paths
- Filling the gaps between products with AI
- New ways to build bridges between different rating platforms