Our ESG cloud suite is coming soon... After completing the Private Beta rollout, we are now getting things ready for the public launch starting Q3 2022

Security and Transparency at Ecomate

Sicurezza e trasparenza

L’architettura e l’infrastruttura della nostra piattaforma sono state progettate al fine di offrire agli utenti elevati standard di protezione dei propri dati, ma allo stesso tempo programmate per essere veloci, scalabili e flessibili, utilizzando le migliori tecnologie in cloud.



IaaS che utilizza un modello di sicurezza purpose-built ed end-to-end a più livelli. Tutti i server sono future-proof e vengono sottoposti regolarmente a verifiche indipendenti di terze parti.

  • Server localizzati nell’Unione Europea e GDPR compliant
  • Bilanciatore con istanze di server dinamiche Linux Nginx
  • Motore Mysql con backup giornalieri automatici
  • Sistema di mirroring per garantire continuità al sistema
  • Monitoraggio automatico dell’infrastruttura e carichi su API
  • Protocolli di sicurezza sulla rete (SSL OV, DNSSEC, DMARC)
  • Crittografia a 256 Bit e garanzia fino a € 250.000
  • Istanza di Machine Learning per l’analisi dei dati
  • EU Cloud Code of Conduct (CoC) compliant
  • ISAE 3000 Type 2 Report (FINMA) compliant
  • ISO/IEC 27001 (ISMS) compliant
  • SWIPO - Data Portability Code of Conduct
  • ESMA - Cloud Outsourcing Guidelines
  • ISO-50001 - Energy Management
  • EBA - Cloud Outsourcing Guidelines

EBA Outsourcing Guidelines

Provide specific guidance on the relationship between financial institutions and their service providers. In particular, the guidelines specify a set of aspects that should be included in the contract between the financial institution and their service provider, including requirements on sub-outsourcing, security, access, information and audit rights, and termination rights.


ESMA Cloud Outsourcing Guidelines

Assist regulated entities identify, address and monitor the risks that may arise from cloud outsourcing arrangements. The ESMA cloud outsourcing guidelines provide specific guidance on: key contractual elements, information security, exit strategies, access and audit rights and sub-outsourcing.


EU Cloud Code of Conduct

The EU Cloud Code of Conduct (CoC) was designed to contribute to an environment of trust and transparency in the European cloud computing market and to simplify the risk assessment process of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) for cloud customers. The CoC was developed by Scope Europe, an independent third party association, in collaboration with several industry players.Adherence to an approved code of conduct, as described in GDPR Article 40, can be used to help demonstrate that sufficient guarantees have been made to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures as a data processor under the GDPR.


Google Cloud Platform

Google is carbon neutral today, but aiming higher: our goal is to run on carbon-free energy, 24/7, at all of our data centers by 2030. Plus, we’re sharing technology, methods, and funding to enable organizations around the world to transition to more carbon-free and sustainable systems.


Google Cloud Platform ISAE 3000 Type 2 Report (FINMA) ISO/IEC 27001 (ISMS) ISO 50001 SOC3 DORA ECUC EU Cloud Code of Conduct (CoC) ESMA CSPs Guidelines EU Cloud Code of Conduct (CoC) Level 2 Verification


Il sistema informatico nasce con le migliori tecnologie moderne senza uso di framework per garantire massima velocità di esecuzione e per tenere i sorgenti snelli ed argomentati.

  • Codice front-end con HTML5, CSS3 e Javascript
  • Codice back-end PHP 7-8 ottimizzato ad alte prestazioni
  • empty label
  • Database mondo Oracle ed ORM
  • Il codice usa algoritmi dedicati con protocolli interni altamente riservati con attivi sistemi di criptazione e allestimento private network dedicate ai processi più delicati.
  • Il sistema post login supporta autenticazioni 2FA, mail transazionali, verifica sui dati, sistemi di fraud detection e un sistema gestionale proprietario per il monitoraggio dei dati.

RaaS (Rating as a Service)

Tutti i sistemi dialogano con una API centrale che smista le richieste e assembla i dati dalle diverse fonti e da procedure batch interne di analisi. Un'intelligenza artificiale di ML (Machine Learning) analizza i dati in possesso.

Frontend coding
Oracle PHP Python Bootstrap

Servizi di terze parti


Code repository, versioning and ticketing


Transactional platform emails


Payment gateway


Open-source illustrations, improving the UI UX

Font Awesome

Open-source ans largest icons library with fast CDN


Open-source flags on CDN


Cloud IDE and collaboration