Our ESG cloud suite is coming soon... After completing the Private Beta rollout, we are now getting things ready for the public launch starting Q3 2022

ESG Monitor

Read, analyse and monitor companies' performance in real-time. Import your supplier, customer, investees or subsidiary register by setting new inclusion/exclusion benchmarks and standards. Prepare your EU SFDR, track and resolve compliance, reputational, and strategic issues with just one click.

Try it free on 3 companies

ESG Monitor - Ecomate

The benefits of an ESG monitoring system

ESG Monitor - Ecomate
  • Compliance Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and Sustainability Reporting
  • Green-procurement and research of better suppliers
  • Monitoring of the supply chain and companies with which you do business
  • Reduction of reputational risk (and negative impact on the whole supply chain)
  • Marketing and strategic communication leverage
  • Increase in revenues and maintain the competitive advantage
  • Satisfy stakeholder requests (e.g. governance, consumers, etc.)
  • Help your SMEs in improving and finding new business clients
  • Compliance Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (EU SFDR)

Import VAT in 1 second Import all the companies you want to monitor without problems, just one click!

How it works

Track all the companies you want in a few minutes

1. Import your company list and collect data

Sing up, activate your free trial and immediately start importing the VAT numbers of the companies that you want to monitor: if they are already in our system, you will be able to instantly view their ESG performance. Otherwise, you can invite them to complete the evaluation questionnaire.

2. Analyse, monitor, take action and improve

The control panel allows you to dynamically manage the sustainability performance of the selected companies. Customizable display filters enable you to aggregate and monitor both the overall performance and the details of each individual company. Make informed decisions, improve the performance of your supply chain, and report SFDR and CSRD in accordance with European criteria.

Start tracking all companies relevant to your business!

You can manage the group of companies to monitor dynamically! Create supply chain groups and/or sub-suppliers in a personalized way.

Analyze the ESG performance of the companies you engage with

Monitor the ESG performance of a group of companies in a simple and intuitive way: our dashboard guides you in interpreting and visualizing the data with heatmaps, historical series and graphs.

Import VAT in 1 second

Import all the companies you want to monitor without problems, just one click!

Manage false response attempts

Easily check the consistency of what the companies have declared: our AI algorithm will take care of reporting fraud attempts.

Stay up-to-date on new regulations

View the aggregated alignment of the relevant companies with the Taxonomy, European regulations, and SFDR.

Export the results for offline analysis

You can download the analytics at any time: download everything in Excel or .CSV format.

ESG Monitor - Groups ESG Monitor - performance

Don't wait any longer. Start checking your supply chain.

Start now