Our ESG cloud suite is coming soon... After completing the Private Beta rollout, we are now getting things ready for the public launch starting Q3 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

On this page, you will find the most frequently asked questions from our users. Before contacting our helpline for technical or commercial inquiries, we kindly ask you to quickly browse through this list to see if your question already has an answer.

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Ecomate is the first Italian and European Rating as a Service (RaaS) on sustainability. We have been working on ESG issues since no one knew what they were.
We were born with a self-service philosophy, Software as a Service (SaaS): the user can operate in total autonomy without intervention from a technical or commercial department. Our range of "in suite" products offers different solutions, which communicate with each other and can be combined, to meet the ESG needs of all sectors and actors involved - both for companies and for the professionals who work alongside them.
We embrace a Bottom up approach: we think from the bottom up. All of Ecomate, from the interface to the contents, is built around Micro, Small and Medium-sized businesses, to meet their needs and requirements. Sustainability in Ecomate is within everyone's reach: even non-experts in the sector can easily use, enjoy and exploit Ecomate, at an accessible and democratic cost.
Compared to other solutions, we offer +700 regulations, Italian and European benchmarks and ESG Frameworks just a click away.
We follow an open standard approach, which leaves room for the in-depth knowledge of the 100+ industry experts who are part of our technical-scientific team.
Among the pluses that make us unique there is also speed and precision; offering solutions from basic to advanced to professional.
In accordance with the first ESMA guidelines, Ecomate finally specializes in ESG Rating and does not also provide ESG advice, avoiding conflicts of interest.

In order to purchase any Ecomate product, you must be registered on the platform with a valid VAT number and have an active account on the platform. It is possible to purchase licenses individually for your company or license packages for distribution.
An ad hoc section of the site is available for resellers.
For individual companies we ask you, after registering on Ecomate.eu, to write to our info info@ecomate.eu to finalize the purchase of the license individually.

Ecomate takes a holistic approach when it comes to data security: we ensure that your personal information is always safe. We use a modern and secure data infrastructure, with servers located within the EU27 (Germany) and in full compliance with GDPR regulations. We do not export user data outside of Europe.
Our priority is to maintain your trust while browsing our site. For more detailed information, please consult the technical page dedicated to transparency of the infrastructure and technological architecture.

In order to request support, you must have an active account on the platform. Ecomate ensures that the cloud application is reachable 99.9 percent of the time, leaving 0.1 percent for maintenance work and/or minor physiological problems of any cloud software. In order to request support, you must have an active account on the platform. We assure all our users, even non-premium users, of our unlimited technical support on any issue regarding registration in the platform, and its subsequent navigation. We have a dedicated email address info@ecomate.eu, and a switchboard that is always active, 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., during continuous hours. Premium users also have dedicated, live technical support on our lines. In order to request assistance, you must have an active account on the platform.

At Ecomate we always protect the privacy of companies and users who register on the platform and who entrust us with their data: we always leave the possibility to decide what level of privacy to set.
Each company on the platform always has control over its own information, and can independently manage its sharing: from the Menu once you have logged in to the platform, there is a specific "privacy" section.

The VAT number (Partita IVA) is required because we process companies' registration data by querying real-time databases directly connected with the Business Register.
The reason for this integration is not only to provide you with instant and accurate registration (you won't need to enter any personal data) but also to help our algorithms create a specific ESG risk profile for your industry sector, company class (revenue/employees), and location (registered and operational office address).
Ultimately, this integration ensures transparency in our system and helps prevent data entry errors.

Ecomate processes company registration data by querying real-time databases directly connected to the Business Register. For this reason, we cannot directly intervene in the data contained in the digital report, and the update times depend on both the Business Register's timing and any intermediaries involved (e.g., accountants, notaries, or others).
Here are some cases that have been encountered:

Public entities
Government institutions
Recently established companies
Companies with an undeposited balance sheet or containing formal errors
Self-employed professionals with certain tax regimes
Companies with the legal form "S.R.L.S."
Companies in a state of suspension or liquidation

Potrebbe capitare che qualcunaltro abbia già registrato l'azienda sul nostro portale. In questo caso provare a procedere come segue:
1) Verificare internamente alla vostra azienda se qualche altro addetto ha già registrato l'impresa
2) Verificare se avete affidato ad un consulente esterno la gestione del vostro profilo

Se la casistica rientra in questi due ambiti, dovrete rivolgervi alla persona che ha creato l'account e nel caso vogliate partecipare alla gestione dello stesso, chiedere di farvi abilitare direttamente all'interno dell'APP dal MENU > Utenti > Aggiungi nuovo utente. Se non riuscite a risalire a chi ha creato l'account oppure pensate che la vostra Partita Iva sia stata erroneamente registrata da qualcuno di cui non siete a conoscenza, potete contattarci e vi forniremo le informazioni necessarie a procedere con lo sblocco.

Vi sono delle motivazioni tecniche dietro la classificazione che si spingono oltre il calcolo del semplice fatturato/addetti, considerando anche i calcoli dei RICAVI e delle partecipazioni. A questo proposito vi consigliamo di consultare il manuale ufficiale Europeo sulla classificazione SME .

Abbiamo recentemente vinto un bando EU-PNRR relativo all'integrazione di funzionalità dedicate agli enti non iscritti al registro imprese, che prevede lo sviluppo di un prodotto ad hoc per la vostra valutazione ESG ed i relativi impatti. I lavori sono in corso ma a breve (nel corso nel 2024) potrete comunque iscrivervi ed iniziare ad utilizzare un prodotto a voi dedicato.

Non essendo una società iscritta al registro imprese, la vostra Partita IVA non verrebbe riconosciuta e dovreste procedere con la registrazione manuale seguendo le istruzioni durante il processo di registrazione. Anche se tecnicamente è possibile accedere alla piattaforma, non esistono al momento prodotti dedicati alla valutazione dei liberi professionisti. Sarà comunque possibile eplorare tutte le funzionalità e se fornite assistenza/consulenza ai vostri clienti è comunque necessario e consigliabile censirvi con la vostra Partita IVA per poter essere comunque invitati alla gestione di altri account.

Ecomate can be used without problems in multi-user mode.
Up to 5 different email addresses can be associated with each company - VAT number. It is possible to add other email addresses, once the company has been registered, from Menu-> Users->insert a new user, and following the guided procedure.
For IT security reasons, on the other hand, no more than 5 companies can be associated with the same email address. This limit can be exceeded by purchasing a Consultant profile created specifically.

Screen Resolution: 720p (HD)
Browser: 32-bit; updated to 2014
Operating System: Windows 7, MacOS

Screen Resolution: 1080p (Full-HD)
Browser: 64-bit; latest version
Operating System: Windows 11, MacOS

Innanzitutto vi chiediamo di controllare la casella di SPAM o comunque di accertarvi che in azienda non siano presenti firewall o sistemi di sicurezza che possano bloccare la ricezione di alcune email provenienti dall'esterno.
In secondo luogo vi consigliamo di non utilizzare mail personali (gmail, o altri providers).
Se non doveste riuscire a recuperare la mail che dovreste avere ricevuto per validare l'account, navigate su ACCEDI dal sito e vedrete un link in basso dove è possibile richiedere il re-invio della mail di validazione contenente il link di conferma della mail.
Se anche in questo caso non dovesse pervenirvi la nuova mail, contattate il supporto tecnico, provvederemo a resettarvi l'account oppure crearne uno nuovo.

Abbiamo riscontrato su alcuni utenti delle anomalie simili in caso di presenza di firewall in azienda. Innanzitutto, vi chiediamo di seguire la procedura descritta alla FAQ #17 "Sto riscontrando delle problematiche generiche...".
Accertato che il problema persiste, vi chiediamo di effettuare le seguenti operazioni:
a) Inoltrare la mail su un'altro dispositivo, provare con un terminale non connesso alla rete aziendale (esempio connettersi tramite hotspot da un PC portatile). Una volta superata la validazione ed impostata la password, sarà possibile accedere alla piattaforma anche dalla rete protetta da firewall.
b) Copiare ed incollare (non cliccare sul link ma copiare tutta la stringa senza spazi) il token di validazione nel browser dopo aver pulito la cache

Se non dovessero funzionare le opzioni sopra citate, telefonate al centralino o inviate una mail a info@ecomate.eu per farsi reinviare la mail di validazione.

La registrazione da dispositivi mobili o tablet non è al momento supportata e di conseguenza il nostro sistema rileva automaticamente se si sta utilizzando una risoluzione inferiore a 1200px di larghezza.
Anche se effettivamente state utilizzando un computer desktop, portatile o tablet con risoluzione adeguata, provare ad effettuare le seguenti verifiche:
a) non abbiate espanso e massimizzato la finestra di navigazione del browser, precludendo quindi spazio in orizzontale
b) abbiate installato nel vostro browser una barra laterale che stia occupando spazio in orizzontale precludendo quindi la visualizzazione del formato corretto
c) verificate che la risoluzione dello schermo nel vostro sistema operativo, sia impostata idealmente a 1920px per 1080px

Per tutte le casistiche non descritte sopra, potreste stare riscontrando dei problemi navigazione. In quanto Ecomate effettua settimanalmente degli aggiornamenti alla piattaforma, si potrebbero verificare delle problematiche dovute semplicemente alla cache salvata sul vostro dispositivo. A questo proposito prima di contattare il supporto tecnico vi preghiamo di effettuare una pulizia della cache utilizzando uno o anche la sequenza completa di questi passaggi:

1) CTRL+F5 riptetutamente per ricaricare la pagina pulendo la cache
2) Pulizia della cache di tutto il brower accertandosi di avere chiuso anche la tab relativa al portale
3) Riavvio della macchina ed eventualmente la ripetizione dei punti 1 e 2

La nostra visione è di rendere la sostenibilità accessibile a tutte le imprese convolgendone il maggior numero possibile e cercando di fare la differenza sul mercato senza attuare filosofie esclusiviste e monopoliste. Crediamo nell'open-innovation ed in un futuro dove esiste meno competizione e maggiore collaborazione.
Inoltre in quanto esistono quasi 5 milioni di imprese in Italia, ci risulterebbe pressochè impossibile effettuare azioni in maniera diretta su un numero così elevato di imprese, considerando anche la condizione di un mercato non consapevole.
Di conseguenza ci alleiamo con partner che riteniamo sosteinibili e professionali per essere alleati in una missione che ci accomuna.

Certamente, puoi trovare maggiori informazioni dal Menu > Azienda > Area Rivenditori

In caso necessiti di una demo, controlla le istruzioni contenute nella FAQ: Posso richiedere una demo della piattaforma?

Intanto accertatevi che il distributore sia nel nostro elenco ufficiale e che abbia un contratto di partnership attivo (contattaci al centralino comunicandoci i suoi riferimenti per una verifica immediata).
Anche se l'intermediario è autorizzato, pubblichiamo in trasparenza i prezzi proposti al pubblico per l'accesso alla nostra piattaforma in cloud, che non devono superare i limiti che potrete verificare nella sezione dedicata.
Ogni intermediario potrebbe naturalmente aggiungere ai nostri prodotti dei servizi a valore aggiunto (ad esempio la sua consulenza o l'assistenza all'inserimento dei dati o avervi venduto un pacchetto di un percorso comprensivo...) in ogni caso è consigliato esigere che nel preventivo sia esplicitato e separato il costo di accesso alla nostra piattaforma in cloud in forma di abbonamento annuale.
Qualora abbiate delegato totalmente la gestione del vostro account (P.IVA) a terzi, è comunque vostro diritto richiedere in qualsiasi momento l'accesso al cruscotto in cloud con il riepilogo dei vostri dati (in questo caso dovrete chiedere all'utente che ha registrato la vostra impresa per voi di invitarvi in piattaforma).

IMPORTANTE: Nessun intermediario ha un contratto di esclusiva per la rivendita (ne su un prodotto ne su un territorio). Qualora doveste incorrere in questa casistica, contattate immediatamente il nostro centralino per segnalare l'abuso anche in forma anonima.

Certamente, se non ti senti di rappresentare l'azienda, l'ente o l'istituzione per cui lavori o studi, puoi decidere comunque di offrire il tuo contributo all'open-standard in qualità di individuo, sempre che il tuo curriculum sia comprovante di esperienza in uno degli ambiti ESG.

Empty label

ESG Rating

The differences are many.
Our Rating tools are calibrated and verticalized by company size - Start up, Small, Micro, Medium, Large - and over 900 product sectors according to the European Ateco/Nace classification, unlike other solutions that propose very generic assessments, which they consequently reveal themselves to be devoid of any concrete utility.
Ecomate Ratings embrace a multi-standard approach: over 700 supported regulations, standards, compliance and frameworks, which guide and orient our assessments. In complete transparency it is always possible to consult the constantly updated list of standards. Sustainability issues cannot and must not be analyzed only from a single point of view. We invite you not to entrust the sustainability of your company to platforms that follow a single standard.
ESG topics are very different from each other and extremely technical: it is impossible to enclose expertise on each topic in a single team of experts. Ecomate is the first platform, and currently the only one, to be able to count on an external Technical-Scientific team, made up of more than 100 experts, including consultancy companies, institutions, associations and freelancers, who operate concretely in the territory every day alongside businesses.
No other company, not even a multinational, has the experience, knowledge and professionalism of a Scientific Technical Committee as expanded, open, decentralized and widespread as that of Ecomate.
Contrary to other solutions, which propose non-transparent ESG Rating evaluation models, in which it is not known what the drivers that led to the evaluation were, our sources, methodologies and algorithms are always accessible to everyone.
Ecomate aims to guide companies towards a path of awareness and continuous improvement; unlike other ESG platforms, which end up being sterile data containers (with dubious privacy protection) and mere data collection tools.
The Ecomate Rating stands out for the concreteness and usefulness it brings within companies. All the contents of the Rating - from the dashboard returned following the self-assessment, to the help mirrors (present on each question), to the improvement report - are of great educational, informative and strategic power for the company.
Our Rating tools are compliant with the questionnaires requested by the main Italian Banks, and we easily dialogue with the financial world with specific tools on the main Taxonomy and Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) regulations.
Unlike other platforms, which require economic/financial data during registration, Ecomate is faster and safer: we are linked to the Business Register, and registration is quick and free of manual/operational errors due to incorrect data entry or not very precise.
At Ecomate we have an entire suite that responds to every need, the Rating is just one of the products and can be combined, based on your needs, with the other products in the suite. open-standard.

Sustainability does not equate (only) to compliance with minimum regulatory requirements. A sustainable company, capable of surviving over time and seizing the opportunities of the future, must go beyond the regulatory minimum.
Furthermore, among the characteristics that make our Rating models unique, there is also that of providing not only an evaluation of the company as it is today, but also of offering an overview of how well the company is prepared for the challenges of tomorrow, of the next few years; Regulations with a focus on 2030-2050 are also integrated into the Rating.
For this reason, it is very difficult for a company to obtain scores close to 90-100: it would mean that it is already completely aligned with future objectives; it is possible, but difficult.
Scores from 65 and above, as you can see in the in-depth analysis of the risk bands, are in fact associated with AA and AAA - Very Low Risk - type ratings.

The Free Rating License is free: it includes registration on the portal, allows the measurement of the rating, gives the possibility of having basic technical assistance, and returns as output the summary dashboard of one's ESG performances, together with a single improvement report on the 11 total.
The Rating Premium License is paid. Pricing depends on the size of the company (€349 for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, 899 for large enterprises): in addition to the advantages of the free license, the premium license includes: all complete improvement reports, the possibility of unlimited downloads of all dashboards and additional information present in the improvement report, the possibility of having the account validated/verified, access to advanced privacy features and unlimited premium priority technical support.

At the moment no company can boast of having obtained a Certified ESG Rating. Unlike credit rating agencies which are regulated and accredited by ESMA (EC Regulation No. 1060/2009), there is no certification body or regulator in the ESG world that can certify a company's ESG rating.
We invite you to be wary of companies that boast of providing certified ESG ratings for companies, in our opinion these are unserious green washing and marketing practices.
What can be subjected to validation is the process that Ecomate carries out to arrive at a Rating.
Ecomate, unlike other market players, has adopted a decentralized, accessible, transparent and neutral Scientific Technical Committee to validate, improve and constantly update the rating and risk models. From this perspective, when the legislation allows it, we will be able to effectively become an ESG Rating Agency recognized by the regulator, having all the conditions and requirements.
Currently the approach adopted by Ecomate is the closest to having a regulatory body which, through the constant implementation of best practices and consultations, evolves the platform.
Continue reading more information on the pages dedicated to our open-standard ESG, comitato scientifico.

On the site: It is possible to first go to the link and search for the P.IVA
On the platform after logging in: you can download
1) the Ecomate Score Card which summarizes the scores and the measurement obtained;
2) the profile validation certificate;
3) the certificate of any audit carried out. open-standard ESG, comitato scientifico.

Although Ecomate offers the possibility of downloading various certificates, we remind you that the essence of the Ecomate Rating is not to return certificates or "stamps", which are then posted on the walls or on the company website, and then forgotten for years.
comitato scientifico

It is always possible to download the questions that were answered during the Rating phase: by clicking on the menu of the individual questionnaire module, "Download questions in XLS format".
It is not possible to obtain an extraction of the questions before answering the questionnaire: the assessment, the questions and the answers change and are remodulated based on various factors: turnover/employees, industrial sector according to NACE/ATECO code, materiality, answers provided to the previous questions. It is therefore impossible to transmit all the know-how and logic of the Ecomate questionnaires in a single textual document (Word or Excel)
Furthermore, thanks to our 100 or more experts on the Scientific Committee, improvements and updates to the Ecomate questionnaire occur practically every day: even if it were possible to carry out an organized download of the questions, it would never be updated with the latest changes to the platform, and there would be the risk of subjecting a questionnaire that does not take into account the latest updates.
Finally, Ecomate contributes to spreading a correct culture of sustainability and the appropriate use of supporting technology: sustainability must be addressed with the support of technology, like any other important issue in the company. It is essential to abandon Excel, Word, paper and "loose sheets", in favor of innovative, technological and cloud tools.
ESG issues will be mandatory for everyone, starting with the right tools and knowing how to use them correctly will make the difference.

Questions regarding the European Taxonomy are verticalized by activity and product sector, as required by the European Union, precisely following all the European directives present in the specific regulation.
Navigate to the bottom of the page dedicated to this product where you will find a dedicated section with more information: ESG Rating

It is possible to find a constantly updated list by clicking on the "List of all supported standards" button on the page: OPEN-STANDARD

The questions always refer to the same VAT number (and the main Ateco/NACE code of the activity). Therefore, if the company has multiple locations, you need to verify if they belong to the same VAT number. If the company has different locations in Italy under the same VAT number, these locations should be integrated during the completion of the Ecomate questionnaire.
If there are locations with different VAT numbers (or locations abroad), they need to be registered separately on the platform.

The Ecomate Model, unlike all the evaluation models of other ESG Rating platforms, is open and transparent: it is not a black box model, according to which one is not aware of the criteria that led to the evaluation.
At any time, and in total transparency, it is possible to access all the information on the calculation mechanism and the algorithm on the page OPEN-STANDARD

The SFDR regulation - Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - requires the disclosure and calculation of ESG indicators, which are based on the Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) declared by the company. Within the Ecomate Rating, our PAI collector indicates the percentage of completion of the information available for PAI reporting purposes, after having responded to some modules of the questionnaire.
Energy (E)
Environment (E)
Social responsibility (S)
Professional Ethics (S)
Transparency (G)
Our Rating questionnaire has an average completion time of approximately 2.5 hours. By answering only these 5 modules the time taken is reduced to approximately 1 hour.

Yes indeed! The Rating Improvement Report returns in automatic mode (but always tailor made!) critical issues, feasible improvements and satisfied criteria, together with the positive and negative impacts on the environment, the community and the company, following the multi-materiality criterion .
This is a complete report of over 200 pages, which can be used in many ways, including for impact assessments!

Ecomate is not a consultancy company and we do not personally follow the companies that carry out the Rating process.
For our ethical and transparency principle, also following the first European guidelines on the matter, we cannot issue the ESG Rating and follow companies through consultancy.
Furthermore, in the Rating improvement reports no indications are given on the priority of the actions that are recommended, essentially because each company is unique, and the choice of the best ESG path to undertake is important to be entrusted to a person within the company, or the professionalism of a consultant who supports them.

Even ESG Ratings, as happens with financial Ratings, are never aligned with each other.
It appears difficult to compare the results obtained with other ESG Rating providers as the companies/agencies do not have evaluation models communicating with each other, and often the other Rating Providers do not have sufficient disclosure on the evaluation algorithms such as to be able to analyze them for the purposes of a comparison.
Furthermore, when talking about Ratings it is necessary to make a distinction between Solicited and Unsolicited Ratings, between Ratings of listed and unlisted companies.

Yes indeed! The assessment includes ramifications on Nace (+900), turnover, employees and territory. Obviously irrelevant questions will not be displayed, and the evaluation algorithm is calibrated to automatically recalibrate: questions that have not been asked as they are not material are excluded from the evaluation.
Instead, if you need to create an assessment/scoring exclusively calibrated on one or more variables, you can purchase the ESG Vertical product which can already communicate with monitoring via ESG Monitor.

Maintenance of Ecomate products is continuous and daily: we constantly communicate with our Scientific Technical Committee for updates on new regulatory issues, implementation of new questions, KPIs, classification variables (industry, turnover, employees and territory), information on impacts, and double materiality.

Even though ESG issues are complicated and constantly evolving, Ecomate simplifies them as much as possible. The construction of the Rating, and of the entire platform, is designed from the bottom up, to allow anyone, even without any expertise in the field, to complete the ESG measurement and start a path of change in a totally autonomous manner.
Furthermore, during the guided tour, the Ecomate Rating provides useful ideas for understanding the regulatory context and a set of links for further information.
Obviously, we recommend that all companies that do not have internal resources and staff to dedicate to following ESG projects, or that for various reasons need guidance, undertake an assisted path: Ecomate, thanks to the Technical Committee with which it is equipped, collaborates closely with various consultancy companies and freelancers, who already use our products on their customers and therefore have all the know-how necessary to follow your company in the change towards sustainability. Obviously, however, Ecomate constantly collaborates with committee partners.

Ecomate is born with the specific purpose of creating an open-standard where users (with their feedback) and experts all contribute to continuous improvement (crowd philosophy).

If you are companies with expertise in one of the ESG categories and a materiality area, you can join our scientific committee (see the specific section from the open-ESG menu).

If, on the other hand, you are companies without specific expertise in ESG topics but still want to contribute with ideas or report anomalies, industry characteristics, or applicability of questions/answers, please follow these steps:

- Open the relevant thematic module and precisely indicate the question you want to leave a comment on using the link "Send us your opinion."
- Click on the module menu's gear icon from the dashboard and select "Leave feedback."

Of course! The Ecomate platform is flexible and adapts to every need, call us and ask about Vertical.

For our ethical choice, and to avoid positions of conflict of interest, we do not offer direct consultancy to companies.
Among our members of the scientific committee, however, there are numerous consultancy companies located throughout Italy who will be happy to help you. Then navigate to the open-standard > scientific committee section to scroll through the list and find the most suitable partner for you or write to us at info@ecomate.eu describing your ESG need, we will take care of putting you in contact with the member company of our committee best suited to your needs.

In the market at the moment there is an extreme scarcity of timely ESG data and ratings, furthermore it is not possible to compare the results from different ESG rating tools. Precisely for this reason we have decided to take into consideration exclusively the scores coming from our internal database to provide indications on benchmarks and average reference levels.
Within the Ecomate Rating it is therefore possible to compare your results with the ESG Rating score of all the companies present on Ecomate, with companies of your own company size, of your own product sector, and of competing companies (of the same sector and size).

Italian and European regulations, directives, legislative decrees and standards, if they concern ESG issues, are always included in our questionnaire.
On other non-mandatory compliance and frameworks, such as certifications or international standards, essentially two orders of variables are evaluated:
- market and diffusion
- potential conflicts of interest that led to the creation of the standard.

The SME Rating is a product designed specifically for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs - 95% of Italian and European companies) while the Rating was specifically developed for large companies (>250 employees and/or €50m of annual turnover).
It follows that Rating Sme and Rating require different maintenance and are structured differently for several reasons:
Level of detail required by questions;
Weights and wording of questions;
Scores and wording of answers;
Output of the improvement report.
It is not scientifically correct to use the same metrics to evaluate an SME compared to a large company.
Secondly, for our mission and vision, we want to support the country's SMEs as much as possible by facilitating them with a product at a controlled and always accessible cost.
For official references to the PMI classification you can consult the following link: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piccole_e_medie_imprese

It is not possible to choose the most suitable product for your ESG assessment, the platform automatically directs you towards one or the other product, based on the information present in the chamber of commerce at the time of registration.
If there have been any incorrect classifications please write to us at info@ecomate.eu or contact our switchboard.

ESG Reporting

Il Reporting Ecomate è il prodotto semplice e guidato per la redazione del bilancio di sostenibilità e rendicontazioni ESG.
Siamo tra i primi software di rendicontazione ESG a supportare il multi-standard: in completa libertà e autonomia con ESG Reporting di Ecomate è possibile scegliere lo standard con cui rendicontare: IFRS, EFRAG, GRI, VSME, LSME, SFDR... contrariamente a tutte le altre piattaforme che seguono un unico framework di rendicontazione.
Offriamo un flusso di lavoro strutturato, e tool semplificativi e intuitivi, con alla base lo studio di oltre 200 bilanci di sostenibilità a livello globale.
Il Reporting Ecomate, interamente integrato nella nostra suite, dialoga in modo automatico con tutti gli altri prodotti di Rating della piattaforma, da cui attinge informazioni, e consiglia compilazione e contenuti durante la stesura.
L'aggiornamento e il recepimento di nuovi standard, insieme all'aggiornamento dei framework già presenti è immediato: lavorerai sempre sull'ultima versione dello standard di rendicontazione.




Certamente, anche se consigliamo di utilizzarlo congiuntamente al Rating ESG (per automatizzare l'immissione dei dati), è comunque possibile acquistarlo ed utilizzarlo separatamente dagli altri prodotti Ecomate

ESG Monitor

The Ecomate platform is flexible and adapts to every need! Of course! Monitor is the aggregative analytics tool that meets this need as well. Call us by asking about the Monitor and explaining your project.

There is a special section within the Monitor that automatically and dynamically estimates all 18 mandatory point indicators required by the European Commission for PAI purposes. The formulas used to estimate SFDR indicators have as their only source the official 'Annex 1 document on principal adverse sustainability impacts, are always maintained and updated, and have been developed in line with the European's requirements. In addition, also within the monitor, there is a supporting tool for final reporting.

The monitor can be used in FREEMIUM mode on a maximum number of 3 companies.



ESG Vertical

Rating and Vertical are two different products, which respond to different needs.
When purchasing a Vertical, the need is to be able to create your own assessment, from scratch, with your own logic and maintenance on the product: by importing Rating contents you would lose the benefit of our Scientific Technical Committee, which constantly reviews, modifies, updates and updates the contents of the Rating; there would be the risk of having Vertical questionnaires that are not maintained, not very useful and long-winded.
What can be done is to create the Vertical with ad hoc, personalized questions and combine it with the Rating product for an all-round ESG assessment!

Unlimited. Once the Vertical has been purchased, it can be shipped to all companies, without limitations imposed by us.
We have obviously created a technical, anti-spam limitation for mass invitations, which arises when 99,999 invitations are reached. If for any reason you feel you need to exceed this limit, contact us and we will find a solution, as always!




ESG Risk score

You can find the list of indicators that belong to common materiality for all sectors, approximately 50 KPIs, in the methodological document available on the product's related page.

Yes, the 9 KPIs for physical risk and 1 KPI for transition risk are included.

This depends greatly on the country (or region) where the company is located. For example, countries like Italy have higher average physical risks compared to other countries, but generally, Southern European countries are the most at risk as they are economically less developed on average and further from the strategic objectives of the European Commission.
Since our calculation model is calibrated based on the goals of the EU 2030 Agenda, the algorithm will also give relevance to political-economic factors of the country or region where, unfortunately, the company operates.








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